Welcome to the Arethos site situated at www.arethos.com. These Terms of Service oversee your entrance to and utilization of our website and our procurement of a variety of services. In the event that you book a Service through the Platform, you are a customer.
Arethos is willing to give the Services to you just upon the condition that you acknowledge these Terms. By getting to or utilizing the Platform, and/or booking a Service, you consent to these Terms. In the event that you don't acknowledge these Terms, then you may not get to or utilize the Platform, or use the Services. On the off chance that you are getting to and utilizing the Platform and the Services for an organization or other legitimate substance, you speak to and warrant that you have the power to tie that organization or other lawful element to these Terms. All things considered, "you" and "your" will allude to that organization or other legitimate substance.
We might adjust the Terms whenever, in our sole circumspection. In the event that we do as such, we'll let you know either by posting the adjusted Terms on the Site. It's imperative that you survey the changed Terms on the grounds that in the event that you keep on utilizing the Platform and the Services after we've let you realize that the Terms have been altered, you are demonstrating to us that you consent to be bound by the adjusted Terms. In the event that you don't consent to be bound by the altered Terms then you might no more utilize the Platform and the Services.
As a Customer, you will be given an account for the utilization of the Platform and Services by your business. It's critical that you give us accurate and complete data for your Account and you consent to let us know whether your Account data should be redesigned. You can book a Service through your Account Lead or through the functionality accessible on the Platform. Client has or will acquire, hold and keep up in power, amid the term of these Terms, a substantial approach of obligation protection for the operation of Customer's business to cover any cases of individual harm or demise or unmistakable or elusive property harm. Client will keep up a protected workplace for services. Arethos speaks to that the activities of Services are secured by general risk and laborers' remuneration protection policies.
You, as a Customer, will be charged an expense ("Service Fee") for every Service you select to have performed through the Platform. Unless generally expressed or portrayed to you when you book a Service, the Service Fee will be computed on an hourly premise. The pertinent aggregate Service Fee will be imparted to you after consummation of the Service.
All sums alluded to in these Terms, including those put forward through the Platform, are expressed in ______dollars and do exclude any duties. You will be in charge of the installment of any assessments appropriate to any installments made hereunder, with the exception of expenses in light of Arethos income.
Arethos has no commitment to give discounts or attributes identifying with any Services, yet might do as such in Arethos’s sole discretion.
In the event that you scratch off a Service over 24 hours before the scheduled begin time of execution of that Service, you won't be charged or invoiced for any Service Fees in admiration of the crossed out Service. In any case, unless generally expressed or depicted to you when you book a Service, on the off chance that you cross out the Service inside of 24 hours of the planned begin time for execution of that Service, you will be charged and you consent to pay a Service Fee equal to what might have been charged to you had the relevant service taken one hour to perform the Service.
We welcome feedback, remarks and recommendations for changes to the Platform and the Services. You can submit Feedback by messaging us at (Emial ID) or through the functionality accessible on the Platform. You concede to us a non-selective, around the world, transferable permit, with the privilege to allow sublicenses, under any protected innovation rights that you claim or control to duplicate, modify, make subordinate works based upon and generally utilize the Feedback for any reason.
Free to talk to us at +65 68411315